miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016


Incahuasi is located in the district of Lunahuana. In that area there was a chiefdom known as Huarco, which was conquered by the Incas after four years of resistance.

Tupac Yupanqui wanted to call this vast administrative center “Cusco” as the capital of the Tahuantinsuyo, and wanted its streets and squares have the same names as Cusco, but then left it for the town's current name “Incahuasi” composed Quechua word, whose meaning is “Casa del Inca”.
Just like important facts, in this place there were  many sacrifices in gratitude to the sun god and also to be a priest they had to take a hallucinogen called san pedro cactus becoming a zoomorphica and being able to predict the weather. They worshiped to the stars especially the Southern Cross. 
The Runa Wanak settled here, along the valley of the Cañete river.

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